Cursussen van Charter for Compassion

Stichting Handvest voor Compassie is verbonden met de Charter for Compassion International .  Regelmatig ontvangen wij, en wellicht velen van u, nieuwsbrieven. Onderstaande nieuwsbrief van 8 april jl. brengen we graag onder uw aandacht.  U vindt daar links naar verschillende trainingen op het gebied van compassie. Voor sommigen is het lastig om deze cursussen te volgen vanwege de engelse taal. Dat is natuurlijk jammer en we hopen dat in de toekomst ook cursussen in het Nederlands aangeboden kunnen worden.
Omdat wij wereldwijd in een transitie zitten is het inspirerend om te ervaren dat de cursussen en trainingen door ‘compassionates’ uit de hele wereld gevolgd worden.  Dat schept een sterke verbinding.  Dat is een kans die we niet graag onbenut willen laten. 


Dear friends,

We really appreciate each of you being a part of the Charter for Compassion programs. During these last weeks it seems as if we are building a bond between the 1500+ people who have registered for the sessions listed below. These are challenging times that are presenting opportunities to each of us to address the change we have been talking about and forcing us to rethink our natural routine. It is a privilege working such a diverse group of people who are coming to these sessions from all over the world.

• Resiliency and Practice based on Compassionate Integrity Training (Wednesdays and Fridays)

• Resiliency Skills for Caregivers and Children based on Compassionate Integrity Training and SEE Learning (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

• Coming Home

• Mindful Moments

• Poetry for Inspiration and Well Being

• Global Read: Teaching for Purpose

Zoom has recently made some changes to the security of their platform, so we wanted to be sure you had the most recent login information. Some of you have been asking questions about these changes. Since we require registration for our offerings your registration should not be affected. However, if you are coming to the session via a phone you may be required to provide the ID number for the session and asked a password. The password is Charter for all entry.

If you are finding these the sessions named above meaningful, we also want you to be aware of the following upcoming courses:

Compassionate Integrity Training Online
The Charter for Compassion Education Institute and the Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics will be offering two cohorts of the full Compassionate Integrity Training course via Zoom video conferencing starting in May. Click here to read more about the course and register:

Compassionate Integrity Training Online for Educators
The Charter for Compassion Education Institute and the Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics Global Educator Network is offering two cohorts of the full Compassionate Integrity Training course specifically for educators via Zoom video conferencing starting in late April, and will include follow-on meetings and trainings to help educators bring what they learn into the classroom. Click here to read more about the course and register:

Powerful Conversations: Arousing the Heart, Mind and Spirit
We are living in a time of high uncertainty; some people are highly sensitized and stressed by what they hear, see and imagine; others are excited by the possibility of healthy change that will sustain the planet and humanity. How we have conversations is especially impactful. Our intention in this course is to deepen conversation skills and practices supporting new ways of operating for a sustainable and peaceful co-existence. Click here to read more about the course and registration: